Joining globalCOAL & fees

Joining globalCOAL as a Market Member couldn't be easier. Simply follow the 4 steps below to join the world's largest online coal trading community.

Four steps to join globalCOAL

1 Documentation

Review membership documentation, sign and return to globalCOAL

2 Set up your account

Assign Trader and View-only accounts to your team members via the globalCOAL Market Member portal.

3 Credit agreements

Establish counterparty credit with other Market Members and register it through our online credit management tool.

4 Start trading

Install the trading platform software and start trading.

Welcome to globalCOAL's trading community


Our standard membership fee is US$22,017. This includes three accounts to access the globalCOAL trading platform. The trading desk and support staff will also gain access to a comprehensive coal data suite, along with valuable analytical tools.

Start your membership conversation today

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