All bids and offers on the screen are for a standardised quality of coals, with standardised delivery terms, so prices are fully comparable
All bids and offers on the screen are for a standardised quality of coals, with standardised delivery terms, so prices are fully comparable
Prices are firm, and visible to the entire market. When a trade is executed, email/SMS alerts disclose product, price, tonnage and delivery period (but not counterparty names)
Pricing points generated by trading activity feeds into price benchmarks - including globalCOAL's NEWC Index
Physical and financial contracts for the world's most active coal trading hubs, including Newcastle in Australia, Richards Bay in South Africa, INDO 3800 in Indonesia and DES ARA in Europe
Contracts for physical branded and unbranded premium mid-volatile Australian met coal and branded premium low-volatile met coal
The globalCOAL trading platform provides quick, efficient access to the world's most comprehensive suite of standardised coal contracts.
Price and volume of all firm bids, offers and trades are communicated in real-time to Market Members, giving you unparalleled insight into live market conditions.
Market Members are invited to participate in the revision process for our Standard Coal Trading Agreement, SCoTA. As a result, SCoTA is truly reflective of market needs.
globalCOAL indices are calculated from actual bids, offers and trades posted on our platform. By actively participating in the market, you play a part in determining index prices.
globalCOAL's knowledgeable team of international coal market experts are on hand to support trading activity. Based in London and Singapore, they bring parties together and help facilitate trades.
Our transparent index calculator tool helps you see at a glance what bids, offers and trades are contributing to the index calculation at any given time.
Try our frequently asked questions for more information on trading on the globalCOAL platform.
See the membership fees and joining process
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