Real-time Prices

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Thermal and metallurgical prices on the globalCOAL trading screen

View transparent prices in real-time

Price and volume of all firm bids, offers and executed trades are communicated in real-time on screen and via SMS/email.

Negotiate deals with confidence

Access to the world's largest online coal marketplace gives you the insight you need to make informed business decisions.

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Our index calculator tool helps you see at a glance what bids / offers and trades are contributing to the index calculation at any given time.

Benefits of globalCOAL's real-time prices

The world's most liquid coal contracts

View fixed price and index-linked markets for the most liquid seaborne thermal and metallurgical coal contracts, including: Newcastle, Richards Bay, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp and HCCA Met coal

The right data for your entire team

From up-to- the-minute bids and offers for the trading desk to settlement prices and forward curves for the middle- and back-office

Shape the future of our standard contract, SCoTA

With access to the trading screen comes an invitation to participate in the revision process for our Standard Coal Trading Agreement, SCoTA. As a result, SCoTA is truly reflective of market needs.

Download reams of historical data

There's over 20 years of price data in our archives for you to analyse

Expert broker support

globalCOAL's knowledgeable team of physical coal experts are on hand to discuss market developments and opportunities. Based in London and Singapore, they bring parties together and help facilitate trades.

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Who's already using globalCOAL's real-time prices?

Our community includes...

Baosteel Logo
Idemitsu Logo
South32 Logo
RWE Logo

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